PLUS at the Museum You'll Find: Aerial Photos * Bay Front Historic District * Boys’ Club Businesses: Past & Present * Cemeteries & Monuments Churches * Community Events * Early History (1700s) * Family Albums Fire Companies * Folklore * Great Depression * Honor Roll Houses * Ladies Social Club * Maps Mayor Chapman Scrapbooks - 103 books of comprehensive news from 1941 - 1968 Miss Somers Point * News Articles & Scrapbooks 2003 to Present Nightlife in the 1950-1960s - Extensive collection of photo albums Organizations * Parades * Residences: Old & New Richard Somers & Somers Family * Schools Shore Road Historic District * Sports Teams * World War II
We are always looking for any item, old or new, that pertains specifically to Somers Point. We don't require original pictures and we will gladly spend the time to scan your photos if you desire. You can also loan items for display purposes and they can be returned at any time. Suggestions include any of the above topics and more!