Flea Market May 15, 2021 - 10 AM to 3 PM Parking Lot of Gregory’s Restaurant 900 Shore Road, Somers Point
The market is limited to 40 vendors at a cost of $25 per 8 foot space
No vendors will be taken the day of the event
The space is for your table(s) and popup
Set-up begins at 8:30 AM - Parking will be close by
All CDC rules as of the date will be observed
Raindate is May 22
Event is sponsored by the Somers Point Historical Society
For questions or additional information call 609-927-2900
Vendor Registration
Online registration to be a vendor at Saturday's Flea Market is now closed. You may still participate, however, by calling 609-927-8002, Friday after 5pm. Leave a message and someone will get back to you confirm. CASH payment only -$25 - will be due when you arrive to set up on Saturday.